Uttar Pradesh State Institute of Forensic Science, Lucknow, India

School of Forensic Science


One of the vital strength of the School of Forensic Science is M.Sc. Forensic Science Programme. After the establishment of the National Forensic Sciences University in 2009, M Sc Forensic Science was the first programme started by the University. The Programme aims to train and transform the potential scientists to create a strong legal system for tomorrow. The programme ensures skilled scientific investigators by way of skill based training in collection, handling and analysis of evidences for the purpose of justice. Moving away from the traditionally conceived expertise of M.Sc. Forensic Sciences such as Fingerprints, Questioned Documents , Ballistics, Speaker Recognition, Video Authentication , Analytical Chemistry, Toxicology , Explosives Serology and DNA Analysis, Forensic Science has evolved into a new arena. By that, there is a scope of extending the expertise for the various complex issues relating to any of the commonly encountered in the society to its realization. In every specialty of Forensic Sciences, there has been synergetic inclusion of the novel techniques for the easier, smoother, full proof methods of investigation for more prudent results without any flaws or the reliable ones. In every means, the composite technology and expertise is made available to the prospective investigative experts through this specialized academic programme by means of routine practical, simulations analysis and other methods. This leads to the scope of technology dependence/reliance and authentication with the necessity for the proof and also as a hallmark. Every Specialization has equal opportunities and employment prospects. In addition to the conventional perception of the laboratory based work, there is more scope for the experts in other sectors of authentication testing, standard or quality assessment and testing. To achieve this, students are encouraged to develop the confidence of handling such technology and its utilization to become comprehensive expert in the respective areas. In house laboratory facilities are the feeders for all their thirst of knowledge and skill development. Most of the technological marvels are available with the laboratories for the students to be more superior than their contemporaries across the globe rather than to be at par with international caliber.

SemesterSr noCourseCodeCourseCourseCredit
Sem-11FSMS SI-1Introduction to Forensics, Psychology, Law and Statistics5
Sem-12FSMS SI-2Instrumental Techniques4
Sem-13FSMS SI-3Crime Scene Management and Forensic Evidences4
Sem-14FSMS SI-4Fingerprints and Questioned Documents4
Sem-15FSMS SI-5Forensic Biology and Anthropology4
Sem-16FSMS SI-LC1Laboratory Course– I2
Sem-17FSMS SI-LC2Laboratory Course– II2
Sem-21FSMS SII-1Quality Management, Narcotic Drugs, Explosives and Forensic Chemistry4
Sem-22FSMS SII-2Forensic Serology and DNA Profiling4
Sem-23FSMS SII-3Forensic Medicine and Toxicology4
Sem-24FSMS SII-4Forensic Ballistics4
Sem-25FSMS SII-5Basic Concepts of Digital Forensics4
Sem-26FSMS SII-LC1Laboratory Course – I2
Sem-27FSMS SII-LC2Laboratory Course- II2
Sem-31FSMS SP-V P3Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (Spl. Cyber Forensics)4
Sem-32FSMS SP-VI P1Basics of Crime, Evidence and Law (Spl. Crime Scene Management)4
Sem-33FSMS SP-VI P2Concepts of Crime Scene Management (Spl. Crime Scene Management)4
Sem-34FSMS SP-VI P3Advance techniques in Crime Scene Management (Spl. Crime Scene Management)4
Sem-35FSMS SP-I P1Forensic Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis (Spl. Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology)4
Sem-36FSMS SP-I P2Advanced Forensic Toxicology (Spl. Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology)4
Sem-37FSMS SP-I P3Modern and Applied Analytical Forensic Chemistry (Spl. Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology)4
Sem-38FSMS SP-II P1Forensic Genomics and Biocomputing (Spl. Forensic Biotechnology)4
Sem-39FSMS SP-II P2Molecular Biology and r-DNA Technology (Spl. Forensic Biotechnology)4
Sem-310FSMS SP-II P3Immunological Techniques and Forenisc Proteomics (Spl. Forensic Biotechnology)4
Sem-311FSMS SP-III P1Advances in Physical Techniques (Spl. Forensic Physics and Ballistics)4
Sem-312FSMS SP-III P2Advances in Forenisc Ballistics & Armour Materials (Spl. Forensic Physics and Ballistics)4
Sem-313FSMS SP-III P3Audio Recognition & Video Analysis (Spl. Forensic Physics and Ballistics)4
Sem-314FSMS SP-IV P1Modern Trends in Fingerprint Sciences (Spl. Fingerprints and Questioned Documents)4
Sem-315FSMS SP-IV P2Questioned Documents & Forensic Accounting (Spl. Fingerprints and Questioned Documents)4
Sem-316FSMS SP-IV P3Forensic Photography & Biometrics (Spl. Fingerprints and Questioned Documents)4
Sem-317FSMS SP-V P1Cyber Law, Risk and Compliance (Spl. Cyber Forensics)4
Sem-318FSMS SP-V P2Incident Response and Digital Forensics (Spl. Cyber Forensics)4
Sem-41FSMS SIVDissertation/Major Project25

Bachelor’s degree in Science / Forensic Science/ Medicine / Engineering / Pharmacy/Dentistry/Ayush with at least 55% for General/OBC/EWS category candidates and 50% or equivalent for SC/ST and PwD category candidates. Entrance Exam: Syllabus of Entrance Exam: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Basics of Forensic Science.

  1. On the basis of Entrance Exam.
  2. Multiple Choice Questions and No Negative Marking.
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