Uttar Pradesh State Institute of Forensic Science, Lucknow, India

School of Forensic Science


The Institute is on its way to start with five-year integrated BSc-MSc programme in forensic science, in line with New NEP Policy 2020 to uproot the Forensic experts from undergraduate level. Our mission as a Forensic science program is to develop professional, ethical graduates whose competence in problem- solving, legal analysis and application, quantitative reasoning, investigation and scientific laboratory procedures can be applied to immediate employment or advanced study. The curriculum of the programme is designed in such a way that it will not only foster laboratory skills but also strengthen the knowledge of basic sciences viz. chemistry, physics, biology. The programme aims to provide a wide vision and knowledge to the students in the field of forensic science which will promote truth and justice in our community, state and nation. This comprehensive program incorporates a unique curriculum that balances knowledge and practice through in field crime scene investigations.

B.Sc. Forensic Science composed of different courses like Criminal law, Crime and Society, Forensic Psychology, Crime Scene Management, Biometrics, Questioned Documents, Forensic Dermatoglyphics which are theoretical curriculum for students. Indoor and outdoor Crime scene investigation, techniques to handle the evidences, maintaining chain of Custody, handling and packaging of evidences, Toxicological, Biological, Chemical are the practical subject area of the course.

During the investigating process, forensic equipment is used to process samples and evidence to solve crimes. On completion of the programme students will apply the Laboratory skills to participate in the career needs of Forensic community. Become trained in the laboratory skills of different division of Forensic Science and will be able to work with different R&D organizations.

SemesterSr noCourseCodeCourseCourseCredit
Sem-11UGFS S1-P1Introduction to Forensic Science3
Sem-12UGFS S1-P2Crime Scene Management & Criminal Profiling3
Sem-13UGFS S1-P3Crime and Society3
Sem-14UGFS S1-P4General Physics-I3
Sem-15UGFS S1-P5General Chemistry-I3
Sem-16UGFS S1-P6General Biology-I3
Sem-17UGFS S1 SE -1Skill Based Elective – I2
Sem-18UGFS S1-Pr1Practical I4
Sem-21UGFS S2-P1Criminal and Evidence Law3
Sem-22UGFS S2-P2Fingerprint Science3
Sem-23UGFS S2-P3Questioned Document3
Sem-24UGFS S2-P4General Physics-II3
Sem-25UGFS S2-P5General Chemistry-II3
Sem-26UGFS S2-P6General Biology-II3
Sem-27UGFS S2 SE -2Skill Based Elective – II2
Sem-28UGFS S2-Pr1Practical II4
Sem-31UGFS S3-P1Forensic Psychology3
Sem-32UGFS S3-P2Forensic Chemistry-I3
Sem-33UGFS S3-P3Forensic Physics-I3
Sem-34UGFS S3-P4Basics of Computer & Biometrics3
Sem-35UGFS S3 CE-1Core Elective – I (From Elective Group A)2
Sem-36UGFS S3 SE-3Skill Based Elective – III2
Sem-37UGFS S3-Pr1Practical III4
Sem-41UGFS S4-P1Forensic Medicine3
Sem-42UGFS S4-P2Fundamentals of Forensic Toxicology3
Sem-43UGFS S4-P3Forensic Ballistics3
Sem-44UGFS S4-P4Forensic Biology and Wildlife Forensics3
Sem-45UGFS S4 CE-2Core Elective – II (From Elective Group A)2
Sem-46UGFS S4 SE-4Skill based Elective – IV2
Sem-47UGFS S4-Pr1Practical IV4
Sem-51UGFS S5-P1Forensic Anthropology4
Sem-52UGFS S5-P2Digital Forensics and Cyber Law4
Sem-53UGFS S5-P3Forensic Chemistry – II4
Sem-54UGFS S5-P4Instrumental Techniques – I4
Sem-55UGFS S5 CE-3Core Elective – III (From Elective Group A)2
Sem-56UGFS S5-Pr1Practical – V4
Sem-61UGFS S6-P1Forensic Physics – II4
Sem-62UGFS S6-P2Information Security Audit and Compliance4
Sem-63UGFS S6-P3Basics of Immunology and Forensic Serology4
Sem-64UGFS S6-P4Instrumental Techniques – II4
Sem-65UGFS S6 CE-4Core Elective – IV (From Elective Group B)2
Sem-66UGFS S6-Pr1Practical – VI4

Passed or appeared in 10+2 (or its equivalent) in Science, Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Mathematics with at least 60% for General/OBC/EWS category candidates and 55% or equivalent for SC/ST and PwD category candidates.

  1. On the basis of Entrance Exam.
  2. Multiple Choice Questions and No Negative Marking.
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